Joint projects

Numerous inter- and transdisciplinary collaborative projects are carried out in the ZWU network.

Some of the joint projects are shown below.


The research center ACTIVE SITES - Center for Method Development to Study Active Sites in their Functional Aqueous Environment - has been created as a platform for scientists with common research interests, in the field of interdisciplinary development of methods for the characterization of active sites in an aqueous functional environment.

Duration: 2023-2027


BMBF iMolch

iMolch - Sustainable water management concepts for Germany by using innovative monitoring strategies

The aim of the proposed project is to develop and use innovative process and source indicators as well as reactive solute transport models to provide a comprehensive status description of selected groundwater bodies with regard to water quality, water quantity and ecological status.

Duration: 2023-2026


BMBF Multikulti

For the cultivation of previously uncultivated microorganisms, our vision is the development of a bioreactor system that simulates habitat conditions as closely as possible and – controlled by biological measured variables – makes target organisms available for systematic isolation experiments in the long term.

Duration: 2021-2024



RESIST (Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems) aims to unravel the interactions of multiple stressors in rivers. With manipulative lab and field experiments, field studies and models researchers test why, when and how stressors interact - and develop options for mitigation and restoration.

Duration: 2021-2025



The project (part of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) initiative as part of Horizon 2020), aims towards providing multi-omics solutions to lower the environmental impacts of hydrocarbon prospection in marine context.

Duration: 2021-2024


EU Merlin

MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater related ecosystems in a Landscape context: Innovation, upscaling and transformation

The MERLIN project commits to transformative ecosystem restoration, mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for the urgent systemic change of our society.

Duration: 2021-2025



In the “TrendDNA” project funded by the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt; UBA), long-term biological samples from the Federal Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) are analyzed using the latest molecular methods. These methods will be used to elucidate changes in the biological environment in recent decades and will be integrated into the standard examination of environmental samples in the future.

Duration: 2022-2025


Stiftung Zukunft NRW Umweltassoziierte Infektionsgeschehen

Das Projekt „Umweltassoziierte Infektionsgeschehen in Ballungsgebieten in NRW erkennen und eliminieren“ an. Es beinhaltet das Auffinden und Beschreiben von Erregern (durch Genomsequenzierung) und Antibiotika (durch Massenspektrometrie) und die Evaluation von Strategien für den Abbau von Antibiotika im Abwasser durch Photokatalyse .

Duration: 2023-2026